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Showing posts from August, 2017

Re: Test -- 123

To keep with my tradition of keeping on...let's see what coming attractions are in store for the Las Vegas venue?  --- Doing some spy work and get back to the project.   On Aug 20, 2017 5:36 PM, "David Galich" < > wrote: Quantum leaps!

Welcome to my project!

Just as any project needs a design so does The Black Box Projects.  Okay the introduction is something like this... 'Just as darkness always gives way to light so does the black box projects.  Darkness giving way to light allows us to see features of what that darkness hide.  So as I strive to bring more definition into lives, I will be diligent to make sure that as this project opens all benefit from it's discovery.  I hope everyone touched by this site helps it grow into something that helps all! DWDNet --- the Enterprise of darkness to vivid light! David J. Galich 8/20/17  9/01/17 Feeling like I am starting again to open up to life in all her glory.  As I look through today's battles I search for the light.  Always starts the day off and finishes it off.  So light is the greatest assest to a struggle.  May today bring in a new station of life! David J. Galich